Topdressing with compost is the practice of applying a shallow layer of compost to an area that’s been aerated, and it can provide a range of benefits as an alternative to fertilizer.

These benefits come in a variety of categories from nutrient-based to structural, ensuring healthy turf and soil.

Let’s take a closer look.

The Benefits of Topdressing

Topdressing is beneficial for many applications, such as athletic fields, golf courses, new construction, flower beds and more.

The lasting benefits include:

  • The Potential to Use Less Synthetic Fertilizer
    Each quarter-inch application of compost delivers approximately two to three pounds of available nitrogen per 1,000 square feet, meaning you have the potential to replace one to two applications of synthetic fertilizer.
  • Nutrient Benefits
    Topdressing with compost can reduce disease, increased the nutrient holding capacity of the area, and increase beneficial soil microflora. Compost will also provide beneficial micro and macronutrients, helping your turf grow and providing a full, aesthetically pleasing appearance even while feeding the turf.
  • Structural Benefits
    Topdressing can increase your soil’s water-holding capacity, increase drainage and reduce compaction. Topdressing can also break down thatch, the layer of soil made up of organic debris that can prevent beneficial nutrients and more from reaching your turf’s roots.
  • Boosted Performance
    By topdressing, athletic fields can see reduced water pooling, leading to a return to an acceptable level of playability sooner even after inclement weather. Topdressing can also promote smooth the surface of lawns and other turf areas, providing obvious benefits for golf courses and other locations where the status of the turf is critical.

Getting the Most Out of Your Topdressing

With so many benefits to take advantage of, it’s critical to engage in topdressing correctly.

In particular, an uneven application of topdressing can result in substandard nutrient accessibility and be a detriment to the overall appearance and performance of your turf.

At WeCare®, we manufacture our compost products in strict accordance with all state and federal guidelines, providing you with the assurance that your compost product will not only provide lasting benefits but fulfill your commitment to using only the highest quality bulk organic compost.

WeCare® Compost provides:

  • Improved soil structure, porosity, density and more
  • Increases soil infiltration and permeability
  • Improves and stabilizes soil pH
  • And much more

To learn more about how WeCare® Compost and topdressing can benefit your turf and soil, visit or reach out to the WeCare® team at or 888-325-1522.