Renewable and Alternative Fuel

Denali is a pioneer in the renewable and alternative fuel markets.

Operating under the brand name Biotane Fuels, Denali manufactures Biotane Biodiesel, an alternative fuel made from animal fats and vegetable oils. We perform this service for both customers and non-customers; as a bonus for our customers, we’re able to work with them to achieve their sustainability goals by taking their waste vegetable oil and recycling it into biodiesel.

Biotane Fuels is one of only a few biodiesel plants in California and the only one that is BQ9000 certified as a producer of biodiesel. This certification ensures that every gallon of Biotane Biodiesel undergoes strict quality control analysis that guarantees customer satisfaction and vehicle performance.

As a member of the National Biodiesel Board, we are committed to the advancement of industry standards and supporting market growth for biodiesel.

Quality and commitment

Denali’s commitment to developing and supplying alternative fuel is driven by our promise to work within our industry to reverse the depletion of our ozone layer by reducing emissions and air pollutants. Biodiesel is one significant step toward that reduction. In fact, biodiesel has a higher octane value than petroleum diesel which translates to a clean-burning alternative to petroleum diesel.

Learn More

If you are interested in learning more about Denali’s work, our team would be delighted to provide you with the information you need. Whatever questions you have, we are here to answer them and we have additional resources available if desired. Please do not hesitate to contact us or complete the form below to receive further information. We are excited to hear from you!